Friday, 21 April 2017

Cassadaga (Florida) - United States

Who Needs a Guide When You Have a Spiritualist Camp?

Welcome to Cassadaga, the Spiritualist Camp of America, Earth, the Universe. This 122-year-old camp organises many retreats, including Healing Meditation, Development Classes, Understanding Spiritual Energy Classes, and (my favourite) Talking Stick Gatherings where the camp invites you to, ‘bring a chair and a dish to share. Drumming, dancing, flute playing, prayers, stories, and customs. This is a family-friendly event. Everyone is welcome!’.

The camp has clear aims for all their eager guests. The camp terms 'Spiritualismas defined in three ways: a science, a philosophy and a religion:

  • a science because it investigates, analyses, and classifies facts and manifestations of Spirit.
  • a philosophy because it studies the laws of nature both on the seen and unseen side of life, and bases its conclusions upon present, observed facts.
  • a religion because it strives to understand and comply with the physical, mental, and spiritual laws of nature, which are the laws of God.

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Many believe Cassadaga is the 'Psychic Capital of the World'. In fact, the camp founder, George P. Colby, was told by his personal spirit guide (Seneca, a Spiritual Native American) to create a spiritual centre somewhere in Florida. Lo and behold the camp is now a 57-acre spiritual land that has been running for over a century. So prepare to meet shamans, healers, pagans, mystics, fortune tellers, and other mystical beings.

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