Thursday, 20 April 2017

Porto-Novo - Benin

In Benin, 'Voodoo remains the state religion'. Porto-Novo is concentrated on one spiritual practice – the mysterious world of voodoo.

I know what you are thinking, Voodoo is not part of the New Age! However, Michael York in The A to Z of New Age Movements argues it is. Voodoo involves an sporadic pick-and-mix that characterizes much of the New Age movement, from magically charged wax dolls to amulets and talismans. Voodoo is a spirit-guided, prophecy telling, magical healing practice and Porto-Novo revels in it. 

Amazingly 40% of Benin's population follow Voodoo – and believe life is driven by spiritual forces of natural phenomena such as water, fire, and air, and that these should be honoured through rituals like animal sacrifices.

In Porto-Novo, you can find Zangbeto (shown below), a Voodoo guardian of the night. This is from the Yoruba religion, a religion who believe in "Ayanmo" which is destiny for your own spiritual well-being. Zangbeto wander around the streets to detect thieves and witches, and to provide law and order to the village people.

You can't find a Zangbeto costume in Primark

Voodoo and witchcraft are dark practices of the New Age. For example, in 2012, Porto-Novo police terrifyingly discovered 100 graves that had been severely desecrated. The corpses were beheaded and left with few organs. Many Voodoo practices use body parts as charms and fetish goods used in magic, witchcraft, and animal sacrifice ceremonies in Benin (shown below). The attackers were planning to sell the body parts as lucky charms.

Voodoo dancers at an Egungun Ceremony

If you visit the Voodoo capital of the world, prepare yourself for a world of constant ritual, curses, lucky charms and also dancing celebrations (such as the Egungun Ceremony, a ritual for the deceased, pictured above). 

A bit different to your local Tesco

If you really want to step out of your comfort zone and experience the dark side of spiritualism buy your tickets to Porto-Novo, NOW!

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